Carbon Monoxide At Work

Carbon Monoxide At Work Results in Death and Brain Damage Carbon monoxide at work can result in death or brain damage because one doesn’t have to be asleep to be poisoned.   By Rebecca Martin             We emphasize over and…

Wausau Theater Carbon Monoxide Leak

Marcus Cedar Creek Theater Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Leak A theater carbon monoxide leak on Sunday resulted in the evacuation of a Marcus Theater in the Wausau, Wisconsin area. 683 PPM of carbon monoxide was found in the theater where the…

No Detectors Cause of Dayton Carbon Monoxide Deaths

Two Die, Others Poisoned in Dayton Carbon Monoxide Incidents Carbon monoxide is not a virus–it does not spread through proximity. But failure to have functioning alarms continues to be endemic as a string of bad Dayton carbon monoxide deaths…

Allen Benedict Court CO Poisoning, Part II

Columbia's Allen Benedict Court Carbon Monoxide Poisoning In Part II of the Allen Benedict Carbon monoxide poisoning series, we continue the saga of CO related deaths in Columbia South Carolina.By Rebecca Martin In the previous blog, we…

Allen Benedict Court Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

South Carolina Public Housing Debacle - Allen Benedict Court Deaths Institutional and societal neglect turn historic Allen Benedict Court community into a carbon monoxide death zone.  By Rebecca Martin In 2018, James Chapman was one of over…

Four Chicagoans Hospitalized for Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Hospitalized for Carbon Monoxide Because of Missing Alarms Four were hospitalized for Carbon Monoxide poisoning in a home on Chicago’s West Side because no carbon monoxide alarms were in place to warn the occupants. By Attorney Gordon Johnson As…

CBS Highlights Importance of CO Alarms in Schools

Attorney Johnson Calls for CO Alarms in Schools Attorney Gordon Johnson was interviewed about the importance of CO Alarms in Schools and workplaces by CBS News. He stated the consistent theme he has oft repeated on this blog: Alarms need to…

Chicago Church Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Another Chicago Church Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Chicago Church Carbon Monoxide poisoning happens again as 12 hospitalized at New Philadelphia Baptist Church on the Southside.By Attorney Gordon Johnson Another Chicago Church carbon monoxide…

Michigan Carbon Monoxide Deaths

Deadly Month for Michigan Carbon Monoxide Incidents A series of Michigan Carbon Monoxide deaths has happened in November including another hotel case where alarms didn't warn guests and a tragic case of missing batteries in Rochester Hills.By…

Office Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Brain Damage the Cost of Office Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Office carbon monoxide poisoning is a major risk of long term disability and brain damage. It rarely gets headlines because people usually don't die. But the brain damage impacts thousands.By…