Disclaimer with Respect to Carbon Monoxide Representation
The materials on this web page are provided purely for informational purposes. They are not intended to be legal advice. This information is intended, but not promised or guaranteed, to be correct, complete, and current. This page is not intended to be a source of advertising, solicitation or legal advice. Therefore, the user should not take this information as an invitation for an attorney-client relationship. Users should not act or rely upon any information contained in this site and should always seek the advice of competent counsel in the state in which they live. Carbon monoxide representation should begin with a phone call to 800-992-9447.
The owner of this web site is a law firm, the Brain Injury Law Group, S.C. The Brain Injury Law Group, S.C. is licensed to practice in the States of Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan, Arizona, Wyoming and Utah. The Brain Injury Law Group, S.C. does not offer to represent anyone desiring representation based upon their viewing any portion of this page that fails to comply with all legal and ethical rules in the state where this page is being viewed. While not intended to make such solicitation, but in a good faith effort to follow all rules and regulation which may be applicable to it, the Brain Injury Law Group, SC informs readers that this site may be construed as “advertising and promotional materials.” The Brain Injury Law Group, S.C. makes no representation that it can obtain the same results as reported on site in other legal matters.
For more on carbon monoxide representation from Gordon Johnson, click here.
The transmission of an e-mail request for information or the filling out of a form on this page, does not create an attorney-client relationship. It is always important to remember that e-mail may not be secure.
Especially in carbon monoxide cases, it is important to understand that there can be conflicts of interest between victims of the poisoning and that it is imperative you talk to us so that we can be sure that we do not have a conflict in your specific event. While we do not represent defendant’s in these cases, we may already represent other victims of this specific carbon monoxide event.
To reach the Brain Injury Law Group, S.C.
“We do want to talk to you.”
Attorney Gordon S. Johnson, Jr.

Carbon monoxide attorney Gordon Johnson is willing to consider your carbon monoxide representation, but it is important to call to avoid potential conflicts. Experience and judgment are key to the best carbon monoxide representation. Call and judge for yourself.