Missing Carbon Monoxide Alarm Results in $3.25 Million Judgment

Tenant Awarded $3.25 Million for Carbon Monoxide Alarm Violation Failure to Install a carbon monoxide alarm in a rental property has resulted in a $3.25 Judgment against a Stevens Point Landlord, Pamalla Schneider in a March jury trial in Portage…

Keyless Ignition in Wintersville OH CO Poisoning?

Attorney Gordon Johnson 800-992-9447 Recent litigation has brought to light the claims that the mod technology of having keyless ignitions in automobiles are accounting for hundreds of deaths and thousands of carbon monoxide poisonings. After…

Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Kills 12 year old

Carbon monoxide poisoning kills 12 year old girl in Wintersville, OH Tuesday morning, according to an article in The State Journal.The victim is Jada Mallory, whose mother, Cynthia Mallory, was taken to the hospital in serious condition,…

DNS Risk in Linden, NJ Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

The 10-year-old girl in the Linden, NJ carbon monoxide poisoning tragedy, Emike Asekomhe, is still in “extremely critical condition” at Newark Beth Israel Hospital. Her 9-year-old brother died after both were found unconscious by their mother…

Linden, New Jersey Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Tragedy

Linden, New Jersey Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Leaves One Child Dead Attorney Gordon Johnson 800-992-9447 A young boy is dead and his sister is in critical condition after the Linden, New Jersey carbon monoxide poisoning tragedy. While a carbon…

West-Miami Dade Carbon Monoxide Poisoning - Get More Treatment

Gordon S. Johnson, Jr. 800-992-9447 Today, Monday April 4, 2016 only 17 people of the dozens sickened by carbon monoxide poisoning at a West-Miami Dade office building were sent to the hospital. Others were treated at the scene and even more…

Carbon Monoxide and a Portable Generator, Again

Gordon S. Johnson, Jr. 800-992-9447 Last week I posted three blogs about the dangers of carbon monoxide poisoning from portable electrical generators. It happened again March 2, 2016. Five people were taken to the hospital as a result of running…

Utah School Carbon Monoxide Poisoning - New Normal?

So much of our time these days is spent on helping the survivors of school carbon monoxide poisonings, that when a story comes across the internet about one of the survivors of such an event, we notice. In November of 2013, the Montezuma Creek…

High Carbon Monoxide Generators Should not Be Sold to Consumers

Gordon S. Johnson, Jr. 800-992-9447 In yesterdays blog, I called for the end of manufacturing of portable electric generators that did not meet the state of the art capacity to eliminate 99% of carbon monoxide emissions. Click here for yesterday's…

Carbon Monoxide Emission Standard in Portable Generators

By Gordon S. Johnson, Jr. 800-992-9447 Yesterday I blogged about six deaths in Fenton Township, Michigan resulting from operating a portable generator used in a basement after a power outage. Click here for yesterday's post.  Each time there…

Generator Causes Six Carbon Monoxide Deaths

By Gordon S. Johnson, Jr. 800-992-9447 My father designed portable generators for his entire career. After he retired, he served as the executive director of the national trade association for the manufacturer's of portable generators for another…