Entries by Attorney Gordon Johnson

Chicago Church Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Another Chicago Church Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Chicago Church Carbon Monoxide poisoning happens again as 12 hospitalized at New Philadelphia Baptist Church on the Southside. By Attorney Gordon Johnson Another Chicago Church carbon monoxide poisoning has occurred with 12 people taken to area hospitals on Sunday after high levels of carbon monoxide poisoning leaked into the […]

Michigan Carbon Monoxide Deaths

Deadly Month for Michigan Carbon Monoxide Incidents A series of Michigan Carbon Monoxide deaths has happened in November including another hotel case where alarms didn’t warn guests and a tragic case of missing batteries in Rochester Hills. By Attorney Gordon Johnson Late fall is always a bad time for carbon monoxide poisoning cases, as furnaces […]

Office Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Brain Damage the Cost of Office Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Office carbon monoxide poisoning is a major risk of long term disability and brain damage. It rarely gets headlines because people usually don’t die. But the brain damage impacts thousands. By Attorney Gordon Johnson Last week we wrote our first blog about the risk factors for […]

School Carbon Monoxide Alarms Must be Mandated

School Carbon Monoxide Alarms – Does Yours Have One? School carbon monoxide alarms must be required in all school buildings as the risk of hundreds of children getting poisoned by one faulty appliance continues. By Attorney Gordon Johnson When I first started blogging about carbon monoxide poisoning a decade ago, I had a theme: Carbon […]

Hotel Ethics – Beyond Reservations

New Standards Must be Established for Hotel Ethics Hotel Ethics and Training must focus more on the safety of guests than just reservation and brand consistency. Franchisors must demand more training of managers and engineers.  By Rebecca Martin There are topics we would like to explore in depth regarding the hospitality industry. The hospitality industry […]

Gordon Johnson Quoted in New York Times on Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Attorney Gordon Johnson was a source for the July 30, 2022 story calling for more carbon monoxide alarms in hotels. Brain Injury Law Group Founder, Attorney Gordon Johnson was quoted in the major piece on carbon monoxide in hotels published Saturday in the New York Times Travel Section: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/07/30/travel/hotels-carbon-monoxide.html?searchResultPosition=2 The article entitled: Why Don’t More […]

Improving Carbon Monoxide Diagnosis at Hotels

Carbon Monoxide Diagnosis Requires Epidemiological Thinking More must be done to improve carbon monoxide diagnosis at hotels and emergency rooms. CO Poisoning must always be considered when multiple people are getting sick contemporaneously. By Rebecca Martin The deaths of three tourists ostensibly due to carbon monoxide poisoning in a Sandals Resort in the Bahamas raised […]

Carbon Monoxide Detectors Must be In Hotels

Carbon Monoxide Detectors in the News Month after month, deaths and brain damage occur because hotels don’t put carbon monoxide detectors in all hotel rooms. By Rebecca Martin A headline in The Washington Post says it all: Sandals will add carbon monoxide detectors after 3 deaths in Bahamas, “after” being the operative word. Although information […]