Entries by Attorney Gordon Johnson

Four in Nebraska Almost Killed As Car Is Left Running in Garage

Four people nearly died of carbon monoxide poisoning Sunday in Nebraska after a car was left running in a home’s attached garage. http://www.omaha.com/article/20100316/NEWS01/100319699 Authorities were investigating the near-fatal incident that took place on Mulberry Court in La Vista, Neb. Police called to the scene found Terah Yager, 31, who was barely conscious and then actually […]

Pennyslvania Food Store Evacuated As A Half Dozen Fall Ill To Carbon Monoxide

A Giants Food Store in Forks Township, Pa., had to be evacuated Monday as at least a half dozen people got sick from carbon monoxide poisoning. http://www.lehighvalleylive.com/easton/index.ssf/2010/03/carbon_monoxide_poisoning_sick.html The store was cleared at 9:30 p.m. when six to eight people in an area that was undergoing a renovation began feeling nauseous and getting headaches. One of […]

Wisconsin Gov. Signs Law Requiring C.O. Detectors

Wisconsin Gov. Jim Doyle Wednesday signed a bill that mandates that state residents put carbon monoxide detectors in their residences. http://www.jsonline.com/news/statepolitics/87282252.html Under the new law, carbon monoxide detectors will have to be installed on all floors of single-family homes and two-unit residences. These detectors are already required in other kinds of housing. New homes will […]

Minnesota Weighs Bill That Requires Carbon Monoxide Alarms At Ice Rinks

Carbon monoxide poisoning can strike at some pretty surprising places, and Minnesota aims to do something about that. The state has introduced a bill that mandates that ice rinks install gear to check levels of carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxide, hazardous gases that Zambonis emit. http://www.twincities.com/politics/ci_14643858?nclick_check=1 The deadly gases sometimes build up to unsafe levels […]

Indianapolis Man Found Dead Of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

An Indianapolis man was found dead inside a house Sunday, an apparent victim of carbon monoxide poisoning. http://www.fox59.com/news/sns-ap-in–carbonmonoxidedeath,0,7928982.story Brian Beckley, 45, was using a portable generator to run the appliances inside the home, where his electricity had been shut off. He and his landlord had been in a dispute over his electric bill, according to […]

Kentucky Family Saved By Carbon Monoxide Detector

A carbon monoxide detector saved a Lexington, Ky., family from being poisoned by the deadly gas. http://www.wtvq.com/news/2450-carbon-monoxide-detector-alerts-family The family, which lives on Lakeview Drive, were alerted to the gas at 2 a.m. Monday morning. Local firefighters responded to the scene, and the family did say it was feeling sick. Authorities found high levels of carbon […]

New Hampshire School Tests Negative For Carbon Monoxide After 31 Students And Teachers Fall Ill

Here’s a mystery: A carbon monoxide scare that didn’t turn up any carbon monoxide. Earlier this week 31 students and faculty members at a school in Derry, N.H., became ill and were evacuated, then treated for carbon monoxide poisoning. But as it turns out, investigators didn’t find any of the dangerous gas in the building.http://www.wmur.com/news/22601072/detail.html […]