Entries by Attorney Gordon Johnson

North Carolina Law Would Mandate Hotel Carbon Monoxide Alarms

After the senseless deaths of three people, it looks like North Carolina will be passing legislation that would require hotels to put carbon monoxide detectors next to fuel-burning appliances, the Charlotte News & Observer reported Wednesday. http://www.newsobserver.com/2013/07/10/3022424/nc-bill-require-co-detectors-in.html The proposal has been added to a bill that was approved by a House committee this week, and […]

Police Widen Probe In N.C. Hotel Carbon Monoxide Deaths

Police in North Carolina have broadened their investigation the deaths of  three guests of carbon monoxide poisoning at a hotel, now looking at two additional hotels owned by the same company, according to WRAL. http://www.wral.com/boone-hotel-carbon-monoxide-death-probe-continues/12634505/ Authorities in Boone, N.C., said that their probe of the April 16 deaths of Daryl Jenkins and his wife Shirley […]

Dog Saves Family From Carbon Monoxide In Virginia

I love hearing these kinds of stories. A pet once again saved its human family from certain death from carbon monoxide poisoning. This incident happened Thursday night in Bristol, Va., where the dog Buster Brown came to the rescue, according to WBIR-TV. http://www.wbir.com/news/article/279456/2/Family-says-dog-saved-them-from-carbon-monoxide-poisoning The dog came into the room of his owner, Michael Carr, and […]

Carpet Installers Rescue Couple From Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Why don’t folks just buy carbon monoxide detectors? An elderly couple in Overisel Township, Mich., was likely saved from death by carbon monoxide poisoning Wednesday by  carpet installers, according to the Holland Sentinel. The residents didn’t have a working carbon monoxide detector. http://www.hollandsentinel.com/newsnow/x208439622/Carpet-workers-save-couple-from-carbon-monoxide-poisoning#axzz2XOKIg54M Four people — the two residents of the house and two workers […]

Carbon Monoxide Strikes At Wisconsin Dells Hotel

By Attorney Gordon Johnson Call me at 800-992-9447 https://carbonmonoxide-poisoning.com/ Carbon monoxide poisoning has ruined another summer weekend, this time at the  Travel Lodge Hotel in Lake Delton, Wisconsin.  Carbon monoxide was discovered at the hotel when an employee at the hotel was taken ill. At the hospital, it was determined that carbon monoxide was the […]

Branded Hotels Again Fail to Monitor for Carbon Monoxide Risks

By Attorney Gordon Johnson Call me at 800-992-9447 https://carbonmonoxide-poisoning.com/ The ironies of two separate fatal carbon monoxide catastrophes occurring within one room in the Best Western Inn in Boone, North Carolina are numerous.  However, at the core of this debate should be the monitoring of such properties, by the national chains that put their brands […]