Entries by Attorney Gordon Johnson

Carbon Monoxide Crisis Continues

Two events in the last 24 hours in our world has helped to demonstrate the ongoing carbon monoxide crisis that happens every winter. The first is that one of our colleagues reached out to us for help convincing a local building commission to require hardwired carbon monoxide detectors in all new construction. The second is […]

School Carbon Monoxide Poisoning in Ohio

Another School Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Attorney Gordon Johnson 800-992-9447 Early reports of a school carbon monoxide poisoning in Ohio are just hitting the news. According to NewOK http://newsok.com/students-staff-treated-after-carbon-monoxide-leak-at-school/article/feed/1144335  a group of students and staff were evacuated and treated for carbon monoxide poisoning on Friday, January 6, 2017 from a school in Urbana, Ohio. Urbana is in western […]

Understanding that Carbon Monoxide is a Poison that can Cause DNS

Carbon Monoxide is a Poison – Not Just an Oxygen Deprivation Event By Attorney Gordon Johnson 800-992-9447 Carbon monoxide is a poison, but too the medical community doesn’t grasp that there is a poisoning component involved, different than asphyxiation of cells from oxygen. Most deaths from carbon monoxide occur because of asphyxiation of the heart muscle from […]

Why No Discharge Instructions for Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Survivors

Why are There no Standard Discharge Instructions for those Treated for Carbon Monoxide Poisoning? By Attorney Gordon Johnson 800-992-9447 In contrast to the lack of discharge instructions for carbon monoxide poisoning, when I first began doing brain injury cases in 1992,  “head injury discharge instructions” were the norm. Head injury discharge instructions are a mandated […]

Ohio Carbon Monoxide Poisoning at Manufacturing Plant

In late November, 2016 another Ohio carbon monoxide poisoning occurred where multiple people were hospitalized after 70 employees were exposed to the toxic carbon monoxide at a manufacturing business, according to Fox News. The company located in Elyria evacuated its employees the night of the incident and remained closed until the source of the fumes was found. […]